Ironing Women in Delhi

Ketaki Saksena is Lecturer, Department of Elementary Education, Miranda House, Delhi University. Email:
. (Ketaki Saxena)

The business of everyday living includes the support that urban city dwellers receive from migrants, who work as hawkers, vegetable sellers, part-time domestic maids and construction workers, and the omnipresent ironing women, or dhobans, as they are locally known. Working on roads and back lanes, these `invisible workers` make our lives comfortable without complaining about the insecurities that they face. Have we ever given them a thought?




Vidya, 24 years, got married at an early age. She has two children. She is illiterate, belongs to a backward area of Rajasthan. The girls there are not given an opportunity to study; rather, they are forced to help parents in their work. A migrant from Rajasthan, she stays in a servants quarters with her husband and sister-in law. All help her in the ironing business. She has been in this business for 5 years. After finishing all the household activities, including cooking, she leaves for her work place around 8.30 a.m. She carries her food and water for the day with her. Her children go to school in the morning and come back directly to her workplace and stay there the whole day. All family members return home in the evening. She works as a part-time maid in the evening. At such an early age, she has physical problems such as pain in the back, hand and abdomen, mainly due to ironing. Despite this, she prefers to use a charcoal iron rather than an electric iron because the weight of the charcoal iron facilitates ironing and clothes require to be ironed just once. Her desire is to have a working area that is `waterproof` and hopes that a voluntary association or the government will help her get this.




Traditionally speaking, ironing women are part of the caste (jaati) structure based on economic activity. The traditional occupation of a dhobi (washer man) is part of the unorganised or informal sector and includes ironing among other laundry-related tasks. In recent years, efforts have been made by developmental projects, women`s organisations and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to understand the problems of women workers. Although numerous studies have documented the condition of women workers in the unorganised sector, it is rare to find studies of ironing women and much remains to be explored. Self-employed, home-based and wage workers  the range of small scale activities that ironing women are engaged in is so diverse that only specific studies can give an accurate picture of their work-related problems. This article presents some of the findings from an exploratory study in 30 colonies in different parts of Delhi.

Mainly, the women undertake this activity and deal with the lack of formal recognition and protection. They face constant vulnerability as the work is piece-rate work with no benefits. Working for 10 to 12 hours a day, 7 days a week, they earn a meagre Rs 135 on an average per day. And from these average per day earnings (from ironing around 100 clothes), one-fourth (that is, Rs 33) is spent on charcoal to heat the iron.

In addition to the low economic benefits, the nature of the work also makes women vulnerable to health hazards that get magnified when they occur. Back pain, headache, swelling in nerves of hands, joint pain, wrist immobility, spondylosis and skin problems are common work-related ailments.

Work-related stress is caused by many factors; the physical strain in using the iron is significant. The pressing tool, or `iron` (referred to earlier as `sad iron`; `sad` was the medieval word for `heavy`) typically used is a tool made of an iron alloy such as cast iron. It is essentially a box weighing 8-10 kg, excluding the weight of the charcoal used for heating it. The weight of the iron and the high temperature at which it is used is essential for ironing cotton garments properly. In the course of work, the iron must be moved across the clothes and lifted constantly. Constant bending over the clothes leads to severe musculoskeletal strain affecting shoulders, hands, chest and the back. The use of charcoal with splinters and smoke affects the eyes, and the heat-wave like conditions in the hot summer months cause dehydration and exhaustion. The process of removing the burnt charcoal from the iron is also strenuous. Refilling the iron is possible only after thoroughly cleaning it. Sometimes the ash has to be removed during the course of ironing because it dirties the hands and spoils the clothes. To prevent this, the ash is removed through the holes in the bottom of the iron by swinging the iron back and forth like a pendulum.

Many of the ironing women are elderly, and are unable to bear the physical strain. A quarter of the ironing women studied was above 45 years of age and two-thirds were above 36 years of age.

Early initiation into the occupation, as a result of abject poverty, closes all possibilities of education for these women. The study shows that 83 per cent of the ironing women are illiterate and only 11 per cent have primary education. Because their children help them in their work, only 50 per cent of women send all their children to school. Sixty per cent of them get their children to help in the collection and delivery of clothes, and in getting water and charcoal from other places. Children are deprived of education because of the high costs of living, the perception that education brings low social returns, and the greater economic benefits of getting the children to help. Two important reasons reported as causes for the non-schooling of children include an inability to pay school fees and children`s own lack of interest. This creates a cyclical pattern of low education in the family, leading to employment in low-skilled, traditional occupations with lower economic returns, which then requires greater labour participation by the members of the family, further reinforcing the low levels of education, and so on.

Common problems faced in the workplace include being subject to complaints by the residents of the colony. Customers raise objections mainly due to a perceived gap between the quality of ironing and its cost. Additionally, residents expect a low price for ironing since the workplace is part of the colony. The workers themselves, however, are not considered part of the colony. Mishaps in the colony, such as pilferage or damage to public property, are often attributed to their presence.

Ironing involves many risks because different types of clothes require careful handling. The common risk reported was of damage or loss of clothes; there were only a few cases when damages were forgiven. A majority of those interviewed had to pay double the price of the cloth or face loss of customers and a bad name. There are also instances when these women are forced to compensate by free ironing for a specific period or for a fixed number of clothes. Very often there is verbal abuse and threats.

The two existing unions, namely, the Delhi Dhobi Ekta Committee and the Delhi Dhobi Committee, are not very active about securing the welfare of the dhobi community. The representatives of the unions are involved in mainstream politics and are more interested in securing personal gains from political leaders. Ironing women are also required to pay the unions regularly, some paying about Rs 50-60 per month, as otherwise the union itself becomes a great threat to their survival. They are also required to take holidays and, in some cases, are fined up to Rs 500 for disobeying the union. Union leaders make empty promises of providing semi-permanent shelters; demands for bank loans and permanent shops to set up dry-cleaning business fall on deaf ears. These dynamics add to the insecurity associated with ironing as an occupation and are the reasons for which most ironing women seek the help and support of other voluntary organisations to run their business.



Mamta, 19, was the only unmarried ironing woman in the sample. She belongs to a very poor family in Rajasthan. Her family migrated to Delhi because of shortage of water in her village. She has two brothers, of which one (16) works with her in the ironing business. She has studied up to class 5, and feels that ironing forced her to discontinue studies. She has to do whatever her parents are doing till she gets married. She feels that ironing is a heavy load on her life but she knows that she has no other choice. At the workplace, she has problems with the customers staying in the government colony. The people want a cheap and fixed rate, but she wants to increase the rate per piece of cloth. She cannot shift, and works with the rates fixed by the colony residents. She wants the resident association to provide her with a waterproof roof because in rainy season, the clothes get wet and it is very difficult to work with a hot iron.




The search for a safe working environment and institutional help and support, especially against the unjust demands of the police and the colony residents, continue. Providing educational facilities for their children can help break the chain of exploitation. Till then, as Nirmala from Sarojini Nagar matter-of-factly says, “I take each day as it comes.” 


Author Name: Ketaki Saxena
Title of the Article: Ironing Women in Delhi
Name of the Journal: Labour File
Volume & Issue: 5 , 6
Year of Publication: 2007
Month of Publication: September - December
Page numbers in Printed version: Labour File, Vol.5-No.5&6, Women in Unions: Breaking the Male Bastion? (Article - Ironing Women in Delhi - pp 46 - 49)
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